#FastSong 29: Route 66 by Mash Up! Why? Because I hit the road tomorrow morning!


Exciting day tomorrow! I am packing up the SX4 and hitting the highway for Toronto. Now as much as I LOVE a road trip and I especially LOVE taking the old forgotten routes, I do have a job to get to so I’ll have to stick to the main highway. But! I did make it my mission to get a shot of every town mentioned during the breakdown, and if memory serves they are: Saint Louis, Joplin, Oklahoma City, Amarillo, Gallup, Flagstaff , Winona , Kingman, Barstow, and San Bernadino. Though of course, coming from LA I’ll be attacking them from the reverse order.

So enjoy the mash up! Which version gets your vote? Chuck Berry, The Stones and Depeche Mode are my faves. They’re all hot, though I really don’t think this song lends itself to slow Mister Burns style hand rubbing…